Boston JS

Boston JS

#76 – October 3rd, 2017 @ 6:30 pmTesting, Testing...Bocoup - 201 South St, Boston MA

Testing, testing... Is this thing on? 

We wouldn't know without good tests. Join us for a night of presentations and discussion around testing: what tools to use, how to think about writing your tests and designing your test suite, and the difference between unit and integration testing.

The meetup will be held at Bocoup, at 201 South St (entrance around the back).

The 2017 JavaScript Unit Testing Landscape, with Amal Hussein (@nomadTechie)

Amal will cover best practices and patterns for clean rock solid client and server-side unit tests. She will also dive into the tooling landscape to compare and highlight the advantages and disadvantages of various libraries as well as their intergration and interoperability. Her code samples will focus on ES6/ES7 features such as async/await, generators, ES6 classes etc. Amal loves unit testing, and hopes you will walk away with a new/renewed love of unit tests.

Modern Integration Testing for JavaScript Applications, with Gleb Bahmutov (@bahmutov)

Unit testing is hard and time consuming; and worse - the users and the customers do not care! They only want the features working in the production system, everything else is development overhead. If this is the case, how do we improve the web application quality?  How do we catch the bugs early?How can we test the deployed system effectively? And finally, how do we get rid of Selenium? This presentation tries to answer many of these questions in a web framework agnostic way.

Testing in a Serverless world, with James Sturtevant (@Aspenwilder)

The simplicity of serverless is its biggest advantage and before you know it you will have many functions running in production. As your serverless solution grows there will be questions: How well is your solution tested?  Is it designed to be tested?  Do you have unit tests?  Integration tests?  Should you?  In this session we will walk through the steps testing an JavaScript Azure Function application and some strategies to get you started on you testing journey

Speaker Information

Amal Hussein (@nomadTechie)

Amal is a biomedical engineer turned software engineer that has a passion for creating delightful applications that make a difference. She is hyper technical and enjoys having a deep understanding of optimizations and the ‘whys’ behind best practices and patterns. Amal loves to travel and has been to over 30 countries, and speaks four languages. She is also a co-host on the Web Platform Podcast, and a co-organizer of Boston's Google Developer Group.

Gleb Bahmutov (@bahmutov)

Gleb is a JavaScript developer, image processing expert (PhD in computer vision from Purdue University), and software quality fanatic (his blog is full of passionate screeds). During the day Gleb is making the web a better place as VP of Engineering at You can follow him and his work on twitter, and find the slides from conference presentations at

James Sturtevant (@Aspenwilder)

James works for Microsoft where he partners with developers to explore the latest technologies for the web and IoT.  Prior to Microsoft, he worked in the web development space for 10+ years working with startups and enterprises to improve the way they do business through technology. James is a regular speaker at local and national conferences and blogs at When he isn’t practicing his software craft James can be found running through the woods, climbing mountains, or hiking with his daughters.

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