Boston JS

Boston JS

#27 – September 27th, 2011 @ 6:30 pmAdvanced Fundamentals of JavaScript DevelopmentGoogle Cambridge - 3rd Floor North End Cafe - 5 Cambridge Center, Cambridge MA

Advanced Fundamentals of JavaScript Development

This meting is being held at Google, located on Floor 3 at 5 Cambridge Center in Cambridge, MA. A one minute walk from Kendall T station.


This month's Boston JavaScript meetup will be the first in a three part series of Advanced JavaScript classes from Jim Wilson. 

Part 1:  JavaScript Development Environment

To program in any language, you need an environment. Java has Eclipse, .NET has Visual Studio, but what do you use for  JavaScript?

At this meetup, you'll learn the tools and techniques that  JavaScript gurus use to develop, test and debug web applications.

We'll explore sources of documentation, examples and how to run ad-hoc code against any page. By the end, you'll have the resources you need to be successful at developing today's web applications. With the right tools and know-how, the web is even more hackable.

If you are a competent object oriented programmer or you are a beginner looking to jump-start your JavaScript, don't miss this "Advanced JavaScript Fundamentals" series. Based on your feedback, we'll tailor the next two meetups to specifically address your most pressing concerns.

See you there!



Our September JavaScript Meetup will be held on Tuesday 27th at Google, located on Floor 3 at 5 Cambridge Center in Cambridge, MA. 

Talk begins aprox. 6:45-7:15pm

After the presentation | demonstration, we will go around the room introducing ourselves and asking the group for advice | opinions on any JavaScript-related issues members are facing.

Please RSVP and bring guests. :)


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If at any point you need help, or to report a Code of Conduct violation, please contact an organizer or send a direct message to @bos_js.