Technology Pedagogy and JavaScript Testing
Ashley Williams, web software engineer and educator, will be speaking to us about How to Train Your Programmer, a meditation on teaching abstraction in programming via a survey of philosophers, computer scientists, artists, and physicists.
Mike Pennisi, designer of numerous large scale web software testing environments, will be speaking to us about JavaScript unit, user interface, and integration and testing.
Sponsor Boston JS
Interested in sponsoring one of our meetups? Sponsorship is $500 and includes time at the beginning of the meetup to get up and tell the group about your product/team/company, as well as the opportunity to give away some swag and two guaranteed RSVPs for the meetup. It also helps us work toward our goal of supporting the growth of technology education in underserved communities. Get in touch with us to get involved!Boston JS expects all attendees, sponsors, speakers, volunteers and staff to follow the JSConf Code of Conduct. We take our Code of Conduct very seriously and it will be enforced by organizers during any Boston JS event and within any Boston JS online community.
If at any point you need help, or to report a Code of Conduct violation, please contact an organizer or send a direct message to @bos_js.